Thursday, December 4, 2008

This man should have been the Secretary of State!

I'm very disappointed in Obama for picking Hillary as the Secreatary of State. First Medaline Allbright, then, Condoleeza Rice, now Hillary Clinton? Why do all the SoS have to be women? I think this was a mistake same as it was with McCain picking Palin because there are many more people who are better qualified for the job.

So who should have been the new SoS? Richard Hoolbroke, of course! Hnegotiated an end to a Balkan war, helped normalize relations with China and advanced American interests as envoy to the United Nations. He helped raise money for Obama, offered him advice, and argued his case in articles and on cable news shows. One article was headlined: "Why the Nation and the World Needs Barack Obama."

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